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World Cup 2022

Video: Fännide tähistamine läks liiale – üks argentiinlane elas üle valusa kukkumise

Osad fännid otsustasid hüpata silla pealt bussile, kus võidukas meeskond viibis. Nagu videost näha, siis selline olukord polnud enam normaalne ja vähemalt üks fänn elas üle ka valusa kukkumise. Kuna pidustused hakkasid kontrolli alt väljuma, siis mängijad toimetati fännide keskelt helikopteritega minema. Argentina’s World Cup parade has been cut short after celebrations became chaotic and fans started jumping on the open-top bus from the overpass. The players instead flew over Buenos Aires in a helicopter following guidance from security forces. — Ben Jacobs (@JacobsBen) December 20, 2022 Fans jump from a bridge on Argentina’s team bus. One falls, taken […]
#194: Jalgpalli MM-i erisaade%20Betsafe LIVE #194: Jalgpalli MM-i erisaade%22%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E" data-src='' data-sizes='auto' alt='' class='lazyload image__img' width='Betsafe LIVE #194: Jalgpalli MM-i erisaade'>

Betsafe LIVE #194: Jalgpalli MM-i erisaade

Tipphetked: Teisena jõudis jalgpalli MM-il finaali Prantsusmaa

44 – Randal Kolo Muani has scored the third-quickest goal for a substitute in World Cup history (44 seconds after coming on), only behind Morales in 2002 (16 seconds) and Sand in 1998 (26 seconds). Quick. — OptaJean (@OptaJean) December 14, 2022 4:39 – Theo Hernández’s opener is the earliest scored by any side in a World Cup semi-final since 1958, when Vavá scored within two minutes for Brazil against France. Front-foot. — OptaJoe (@OptaJoe) December 14, 2022